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Athletics Training In Chennai

Sports Performance Training



At EDIT, Sports Performance Training is meant to enhance your overall athleticism and prepare you for the challenges that your sport presents. It’s all about conditioning your body for the activities you’ll be doing on the playing field. Whether your sports require elite agility, explosive power, coordination or brute strength your training regimen will include workouts to see improvements in these areas.

The program is highly customised not only to the sport that you play, but also to you as a person. As a prospective client you will first undergo a 

detailed evaluative session. Then based on your performance, your age and sports specific requirements, a personalised plan is prepared for you. We start the program with in-depth focus on mastering of basic movement patterns and once that is done, the workouts starts becoming progressively more challenging. All our classes are lead by highly qualified coaches who will make sure that you are working on enhancing your key athletic characteristics rather than going through the motions. 

Our unique program helps in mastering movement patterns, speed and agility techniques explosive power development, proper functional strength training, sports specific conditioning, injury reduction or rehab and sports specific nutritional coaching. Through this program we have helped several international and national level athletes in the field of Speed Skating, Badminton, Cricket, Tennis, Boxing, Football, Archery, Ultimate Frisbee etc improve their performance.

We invite you to come in for a free trial and evaluative session to experience the uniqueness of our program


Highly customised program to your skill level and sport

Classes conducted by qualified and certified coaches

Focus on movement, speed, agility, strength, conditioning and nutritionn

Programs will be customised based on athletes off , pre and in season

60-90 minute sessions

Available 6 days a week

Athletics Training In Chennai

Sports Performance Training


Duration.        : 3 months

Cost                 :  Rs 15000 (incl of GST)

Also Includes: Nutritional Coaching                   


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